lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018

The Lemon Orchard Book review:

In L/L Writing, we read the story The Lemon Orchard, because of this we did a book review about this book. Here, I leave the result.

The Lemon Orchard, was written by Alex La Guma in 1962. He was a South African, black novelist in the era of the Apartheid Policy, because of this he wrote this story to show how black people were considered inferior, at that time, because of this book he was exiled from his country.

This story is about a colored man, that one day was kidnapped by a group of white people, because he offended a white church minister. The whites called him”hotnot”. They are walking in a Lemon Orchard in a cold night. At the end, the whites are going to give a lesson to the colored man.

The main idea of the story is to show discrimination and hierarchy at that time and example of this are the whites that feel superior. The colored man is an educated school teacher, but because of his black skin, he don' t have the same rights as the whites. The whites are violent in all the story against the colored man, they have a leader, who is a big man that wear khaki trousers.

To sum up, this story shows how colored people were considered inferior and how they lived in constant danger in the era of the Apartheid Policy. If you like history and you are interested about the Apartheid Policy. I would recommen you read this book.

Resultado de imagen para the lemon orchard

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