lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

Population Growth:

what we did was to see 4 videos about the population growth, then we took 4 screenshots that we had to explain. Here I leave the result.

domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2017

La mejor forma de producir energía:

En Cs. Naturales estuvimos estudiando las diferentes formas de producir energía debido a esto la maestra nos pidió hacer unas preguntas sobre una Central Hidroeléctrica. Acá les dejo el resultado.

Los tipos de energía que aprovechan las centrales hidroeléctricas son: hidráulica, la energía eléctrica y energía potencial. Las clases de centrales hidroeléctricas que existen son: Centrales de agua fluente, Centrales de agua embalsada, Centrales de regulación, Centrales de bombeo, Centrales de alta presión, Centrales de media presión y  Centrales de baja presión.

viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

Los Hititas:

Lo que hicimos fue hacer un mapa conceptual de las características más importantes de los Hititas

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

Crossword L.T.L:

What we did was a crossword in groups about L.T.L of what we learned during the I leave the result.

I did it with: Marco Finucci, Fabricio Perrone y Ramiro Silva.

lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

My creature from space:

The name of my creature from space is Ben. Ben have four arms and three legs, Also is 5 meters tall, he have the power to became invisible, and he is fast as a car , the color of Ben's skin is red and yellow and he comes from Saturn.  

The Wife Life:

We read a story call "The black cat" and we had to wrote like a story in the point of the Wife or Pluto. Here is my result.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

The Cat of the Toilet:

In L.T.L class we had to made a detailed description of an image that our teacher gave us to choose. Here I leave my result.

In the image that I chose there is an excited and surprised cat with brown and gray stripes. He is in the toilet reading a red-coloured book about how to understand human behavior. Also in the back there is a sandbox and toilet paper, thrown all over the floor.
Juan Cruz comment:And there is a box of tissue paper in case he needs it.