jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

Yo te cuido a vos y vos me cuidas a mi

Luego de charlar sobre diferentes problemáticas del mundo actual como el acoso o la desigualdad, tuvimos que hacer un video. Nosotros, con Maro Finucci y Santiago Corniola, decidimos usar la canción de La Beriso "Ella" y agregarle distintos mensajes que por ahí ayuden a más de uno. Espero que les guste.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

Stormcock in Elder vs The Caged Skylark

 After reading “Stormcock in Elder”, we were assigned to make a comparison between this poem and another one that we had read during the year, with my partner Benjamin Morer, we chose the poem “The Caged Skylark”. I hope you like it!

“Stormcock in Elder” can be compared to “The Caged Skylark”, as both of them are related to birds, they are connected to religion, and they talk about the connection of humans to nature and they are full of imagery.

To start with, both of them have a religious background. In the case of “The Caged Skylark”, the first part of the poem shows a comparison between the skylark and the human soul in which humans finds themselves trapped in their own bodies and the skylark who could be flying up in the sky is now caged and isn't allowed to do any of this. This Hopkin poem is a clear representation of how he found himself connected with nature (specifically birds). Perhaps, he found the freedom he couldn't have through these birds, as Gerard lived in a constant dilemma between his religion and his passion for writing. In the case of “Stormcock in Elder”, the speaker gives a detailed description of the magnificence of the Stormock seeing it as an evidence of God's creation (“singing glorified”). In addition, the speaker compares the stormcock to the angel Gabriel (“As bright as Gabriel to smile”), suggesting that the bird, like the angel, serves as a spiritual messenger.

Secondly, the two poems are similar in the way they show the human connection to nature. In the case of “The Caged Skylark”, nature is the home of a lot of creatures, such as the skylark and humans; but in the poem this is contrasted with the drudgery and the barriers of human society, this is why the skylark is captured in a cage (an object made by humans); by this action the writer shows how humans get against nature, affecting it. In the case of “Stormcock in Elder”, the speaker sees the stormcock as an inspiration, since the bird is always optimistic and it portrays splendor for anyone who sees it. Moreover, the speaker in his analysis learns new things from it, changing his view to a more optimistic one.

 Finally, as we said before the two poems are full of imagery about the birds. In the case of “The Caged Skylark”, begins with a visual image (“dare-gale”), which symbolizes the freedom and energy of the skylark in the past, compared with his actual situation using the visual image of (“dull cage”). In the second stanza, the author says (“wringing their barriers in bursts of fear or rage”) referring to the soul of the skylark and the human, which are trying to escape (the human soul from his body and the skylark from his cage). In the 4 stanza and last one, there is a visual image created by the word (“footing”), which conveys the dark atmosphere of the poem to one of joy. In the case of “Stormcock in Elder”, the poem also starts with a visual image (“dark hermitage”), this image portrays a dark atmosphere in which the speaker is in his hermitage (a place where a religious person lives on their own). In the 2 stanza, the author focuses on the stormcock, and he uses an auditory image to portray his beautiful chants (“singing glorified”). Similarly to “The Caged Skylark”, these poems change from a dark atmosphere to one more optimistic caused by the Stormock and his magnificence. This is show in the third stanza where the author describes the throat, breast, break and tongue of the bird us  through imagery (“The throbbing throat that made the cry, The breast dewed from the misty air, The polished bill that opened wide And showed the pointed tongue inside”), clearly this is opposed to the setting of the poem, as the description that the author gives is something marvelous.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020

Computación Física

La computación física es sumamente importante en actualidad ya que está presente en la mayoría de los dispositivos que usamos a diario debido a esto busque información acerca de la computación física, los sensores, los actuadores y Arduino. ¡Espero que les guste!

¿Qué significa computación física?

La computación física se refiere al diálogo que se crea mediante una computadora entre el  mundo virtual y el real, esto es lo que pasa con Arduino ya que para programar la placa Arduino se necesita una computadora en donde se escribe el código para posteriormente cargarlo en la placa y que esta pueda interpretar los códigos en el mundo real.

Definición de sensores:

Un sensor es un dispositivo que detecta acciones o estímulos externos y responde en consecuencia, es decir que transforman las magnitudes físicas o químicas en magnitudes eléctricas. Existen diferentes tipos de sensores por ejemplo: de contacto, térmicos, humedad, magnéticos e infrarrojos.

 Definición de actuadores:

Un actuador es un dispositivo capaz de transformar energía hidráulica, neumática o eléctrica en la activación de un proceso con la finalidad de generar un efecto sobre un proceso automatizado. Este recibe la orden de un regulador o controlador como por ejemplo una placa Arduino.

Existen diferentes actuadores algunos de ellos son:

  • Hidráulicos
  • Neumáticos
  • Eléctricos
  • Automáticos

Arduino - ¿qué es arduino? Placa arduino-Uno que incluye, ¿qué se puede hacer con arduino?

Arduino es una plataforma de desarrollo de origen Italiano. Arduino posee placas electrónicas de hardware libre como Arduino UNO, MEGA o MICRO. Cada una de las placas posee un microcontrolador re-programable y una serie de pines hembra. Estos permiten establecer conexiones entre el microcontrolador y los diferentes sensores y actuadores fácilmente. Con Arduino se puede hacer todo tipo de proyectos desde una luz que se apaga y prende con solo aplaudir hasta una impresora 3d, además la mayoría de los usuarios de Arduino publican sus proyectos en la página de Arduino en donde publican todos los pasos necesarios para que cualquier persona lo pueda hacer en su casa.

Arduino posee su propio entorno de desarrollo integrado (IDE) esta es una aplicación multiplataforma para Windows, macOS y Linux  que está escrita en el lenguaje de programación Java. Esta se usa para escribir y cargar programas en placas compatibles con Arduino.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2020


 Here, I leave the presentation about Gorbachev and his role in the Soviet Union that I did with Marco Finucci, Camila Sakanashi and Pilar Gonzalez Soria

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2020

Aprendiendo a usar Tinkercad

En este trabajo, utilize la herramienta Tinkercad para armar una bandeja con asas, un vaso y un dado. Para poder subir este trabajo al blog, utilice la ayuda de otra aplicación, Sketchfab. Espero que les guste!